mandag den 28. maj 2012

Gym Gym gym

I'm starting this exercise program today, ( - if you wanna check it out)
So I went out and bought a bunch of stuff (pics)

It's not that I'm unhappy with my body, actually I'm quite happy with it, but I'd like some more muscle tone and just general shape up, and since I enjoy exercising, why not put in that extra effort to go a little further :)

Here's what I'm doing today:
2x15 pushups
3x10-12 wide grip lat. pull down
3x10-12 dip
3x10-12 dumbbell shoulder press
3x10-12 bent over dumbbell row
3x10-12 dumbbell bicep curl
3x10-12 hyper extension

You do one set of exercise with no break. Then after finishing one set of each you've done a circuit and you take 1-2 mins break.. After finishing all 3 circuits you do 30min moderate biking (moderate = HR180 - your age, so for me 161)

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