tirsdag den 29. maj 2012

Breakfast yummies

The clever people say that you should eat eggs in the morning, so I decided to listen to them ( at least this morning ) and made myself an omelette.

3 egg whites,
1 whole egg,
1/4 green pepper
1 big closed cup mushroom

Heat up a pan.
Wash the mushroom and the pepper and cut them in which ever sizes you are comfortable with.
Brown the mushrooms on the pan.
While the mushrooms are cooking, crack the eggs and mix the three egg whites and the whole egg together.
Throw in the pepper fruit, and the mushrooms. Add salt and pepper to the mix and give it a good stir.
Now if you're, like me, short on time in the morning, microwave it for 3 min (800w). If you've got a little longer than me, go ahead and use the pan :)


I just finished gym, and had a nice warm shower. Now I'm itchy everywhere and it's driving me mad!
It's every time after I shower, whether I put lotion or not and it's horrible!

Anybody ever had same issue? + how the hell do you make it go away?


I didn't get lunch with me from home today :/ instead I'm having wholemeal bread with cooked ham..

Planning to make some chicken and salad for tomorrow and omelette for breakfast (y)

mandag den 28. maj 2012

How was it?

I used 6kg dumbbells for all exercises, except the lateral pull where I used 30kg on machine, and the hyper extension I used 10kg weight..

Next time gonna increase hyper extension to 15kg, lat. pull to 32.5, bend over row to 9-10kg, bicep curl to 7kg and I'm gonna use machine for the dip cause I don't get enough in using my body weight with bench..

After training had 25g protein shake with 300ml skimmed milk :)

Gym Gym gym

I'm starting this exercise program today, (http://www.bodybuilding.com/guides/female-teen-fat-loss/training - if you wanna check it out)
So I went out and bought a bunch of stuff (pics)

It's not that I'm unhappy with my body, actually I'm quite happy with it, but I'd like some more muscle tone and just general shape up, and since I enjoy exercising, why not put in that extra effort to go a little further :)

Here's what I'm doing today:
2x15 pushups
3x10-12 wide grip lat. pull down
3x10-12 dip
3x10-12 dumbbell shoulder press
3x10-12 bent over dumbbell row
3x10-12 dumbbell bicep curl
3x10-12 hyper extension

You do one set of exercise with no break. Then after finishing one set of each you've done a circuit and you take 1-2 mins break.. After finishing all 3 circuits you do 30min moderate biking (moderate = HR180 - your age, so for me 161)

tirsdag den 15. maj 2012

Lip Tattoo

Ive been wanting to try some for a while so now i finnally got myself together and bought some!
I bought two red:

And two pink ones:

Both of them the glitter ones. I think the 'normal' non-glitter ones last a little longer but i like the glitter ones more as there is more of a shine to them it seems :)

I'll update you all once i get them in 3-5 days ;)

Also! I got my BB cover! I messaged them saying that i didnt recieve the first one, and they sent out a replacement one with no problem at all :)
The quality is very nice and it looks like the original, only it might be a liiiiiiiitle tiny bit thinner, but still very nice :)

mandag den 14. maj 2012


For a while now ive wanted to download a bunch of classical music, and today i did something about it. I downloaded 15 CD's of Chopin and some Mahler. Couldnt find Bethoven, but i only looked on one site so thats why :)

Here's one i really like :)


Just thought id put up a few pictures from the confirmation.

I gave my sister a ticket to come visit me in England, and it was amazing to see how much she liked the gift :D

<3 Håber du havde en god dag smukke :)

lørdag den 12. maj 2012

Confirmation prep

Since its supposed to be a formal occasion I decided to fix my nails :) I did them in the classic French manicure style. I used Rimmel nail polish, the 445 French rose, and the nail tip whitener.


Arrived in DK yesterday evening.. I've been looking at some stuff on eBay which I'm gonna get!

While waiting for my plane in the heathrow airport I was chilling in Zara. They have so many awesome things in there! I bought a pair of pants there which are for work.. I bought a size 36, but I think they might be a little big, so I'm thinking to exchange them for a size 34.

Just took some pics of sister ^^

torsdag den 10. maj 2012

Traveling.. Again!

Tomorrow im leaving for Denmark :D

Im gonna go buy the gift for my smaller sister (id show you all what im getting but again - dont want her to see) then im gonna pack and eat something, then i'll be goign to my lovely boyfriends house to spend a few hours together before i leave, since i wont get a chance to see him tomorrow :(

Im flying around 4 so i'll have to leave work at 12pm to make it to the airport on time.
I cant wait to see my family again, and get some of my dads lovely cooking! yum yum yum yum yum !!

I will be posting more pics soon guy, sorry for the boring blog atm!

onsdag den 9. maj 2012

BlackBerry 9780 Cover

This was the kind of case i ordered on Amazon.co.uk (the one that never came!!!) I contacted them and said that i never recieved the case. They were very sweet and asked if i had a secure adress that they could sent me a replacement to.

Denmark in the Weekend :D

This weekend im going to DK for my sisters (Caroline) confirmation. Im so excited to see my whole family again, it feels like it has been forever! Im really curious what my sister is gonna wear, if its gonna be a dress or skirt or pants or what ^ ^ Im gonna be doing her make-up and be the 'photographer' so expect there to be a lot of photos put up ^ ^
- For all of you who dont know what confirmation is its a Christian thing (perhaps only something you do when you're protestant, im not too sure) where you go to church at the age of 13-16 usually, and 'confirm' your belief in god, basically you say -'Yes i do believe in god' and then you go home and celebrate. Usually its a pretty big thing and you get loads of gifts.
I got her an AWESOME gift :p but im not gonna write here what it is till after, in case she sees it :p

My other sister (Mathilde) had her birthday not long ago, so im also looking to buy her something. I will have to do it tomorrow after work since im flying Friday @ around 4pm. Im not really sure what to get her. This is at the point where i star tfeeling old- when i cant remember how it was to be 8 years old, and what was cool then :/ Anyways, im sure i will find something for her :) I hope xD

mandag den 7. maj 2012

Stop it already! :(

Seriously, when will it stop raining :(

The weather was so nice when leaving home this morning, and all UK people have bank holiday, so its nice and quite at work.. The now the weather has just turned shit :( Please, can someone do a sun dance? Thatd be very nice :):)

I want nice sunny weather and pretty flowers like this one! (took it in dubai next to my boyfriends house w my D7000 camera)


I'm So Excited!

Anyone else excited for summer? :) Im gonna try get 4 weeks off of work. I'd take it in breaks of 2 weeks at a time. 2 weeks in Dubai, 2 weeks in (probably) Moscow (or maybe Krasnodar). I was thinking to go the middle two weeks of June to Dubai and then the last week of July and first week of August.

I cannot wait! :D Im gonna go to Dubaaaaiiiiiii! And then right after summer (in September) its my birthday :D

Anyone have any cool plans regarding what you can do for your 20th birthday? :)
Think im gonna take everyone out :) Maybe eat at TGI Fridays w my bf and a few friends and then out clubbing after.. Thatd be nice :)

lørdag den 5. maj 2012

I love anything creative; photography, drawing, make up, scrap booking etc. Ive also started writing a book.. Im gonna post it here in a bit, don't be too critical since its only a first draft and i didn't write much yet. I didn't even read all of it through yet.. Ive been writing mostly on my blackberry because i can carry it around with me, so whenever i have a little spare time and feel creative i can write :)

torsdag den 3. maj 2012


So i ordered a new cover for my BB on amazon the 23rd of April, and it STILL hasnt come. It was meant to be there latest the 1st of May but it still didnt arrive :( I really want it since im trying to keep my phone in a good state, and because i was stupid i lost the original cover for it in a bus on my way home :(

I ordered this item :

Since it looked the most 'real'. I checked online on the RIM online shop, but they didnt have the pure white cover, only one that had some orange in it and the full black one. Thought since my phone is white, white would look nicer :)

Royal mail -  i hope you havent lost my cover somewhere :(

onsdag den 2. maj 2012

Cafe De Paris - 27.04.12

Pictures from Cafe De Paris. - Aggros Santos was there on our table :) - Sorry didnt take a picture you can see his back in one of them though ;)

- Please forgive the retarded look in the later pictures :p ^ ^ 

Soha And I :D